NIM 0825068
1.1 Background of the Study
In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language that has been taught as compulsory subject at junior and senior high schools. However, the result of teaching English has not been satisfactory yet (Kasbolah, 2001:7). We can see from the condition around us which shows that most SMU graduates, who have studied English for approximately six years, are still lack of English competence. They cannot even read English textbooks or English references when they are in the university. Instead of translating the textbooks or references by themselves, they prefer asking someone to translate the textbook they use.
Due to the fact above, the government realizes the importance of English and tries to develop the human resource who have capability in communication using English as a foreign language by legalizing the teaching of English in the elementary schools through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia No. 060/U/1993 dated February 25 1993. It states that the local content subjects can be English subject.
Based on the Decree above, the national education office of Kabupaten Balangan has also permitted all elementary schools in this regency to include English as the local content. As a result, some of the elementary schools include English as one of the subjects taught starting from grade four.
However, the implementation of teaching English at elementary schools is far from satisfaction. One of the factors that can be a problem in the teaching of English is the unavailability of textbooks and instructional media (Kasbolah 2002: 3).
This condition also happens in elementary schools in Ogan Ilir regency. The English teachers are difficult to find appropriate textbooks and instructional media used in teaching. As a result, most of the teachers only use the books available without considering the appropriateness of the textbooks with the students’ characteristics.
In reference to the description above, the researcher is interested to conduct a research with the title: Teachers’ problems in using textbooks and instructional media at some elementary schools in Kecamatan Indralaya Kabupaten Ogan Ilir”.
1.2 Identification and Formulation of the Problems
There are some problems faced by the English teachers at elementary schools, they are among others:
Teachers’ qualification
Teaching preparation
Classroom management
English textbooks
Instructional media
In this research, the study is limited only in investagating the teachers’ problems in using textbooks and instructional media. So, the problem can be formulated as follows:
What are the teachers’ problems in the use of English textbooks at Elementary schools at Kecamatan Indralaya Kabupaten Ogan Ilir?
What are the teachers’ problems in the use of instructional media at Elementary schools at Kecamatan Indralaya Kabupaten Ogan Ilir?
1.3 Objective of the Study
In line with the problems above, the study is aimed at describing:
The teachers’ problem
The teachers’ problem in the use of instructional media at Elementary schools at Kecamatan Ogan Ilir.
1.4 Significance of the Study
It is expected that the research finding can give some contribution to teachers who teach English at elementary schools. By knowing the problems, they will be motivated to solve the problems, so that the teaching and learning English can run successfully as teachers’ expectation.
II. Review of Related Literature
2.1 Teaching English at Elementary Schools
Teaching at elementary schools is unique. It means that the teaching of English at elemenatry schools is different from the teaching of English at secondary schools. Kasbolah (1995:58) suggests four requirements that have to be taken into consideration to the implementation of English teaching at elementary school, namely:
NIM 0825068
1.1 Background of the Study
In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language that has been taught as compulsory subject at junior and senior high schools. However, the result of teaching English has not been satisfactory yet (Kasbolah, 2001:7). We can see from the condition around us which shows that most SMU graduates, who have studied English for approximately six years, are still lack of English competence. They cannot even read English textbooks or English references when they are in the university. Instead of translating the textbooks or references by themselves, they prefer asking someone to translate the textbook they use.
Due to the fact above, the government realizes the importance of English and tries to develop the human resource who have capability in communication using English as a foreign language by legalizing the teaching of English in the elementary schools through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia No. 060/U/1993 dated February 25 1993. It states that the local content subjects can be English subject.
Based on the Decree above, the national education office of Kabupaten Balangan has also permitted all elementary schools in this regency to include English as the local content. As a result, some of the elementary schools include English as one of the subjects taught starting from grade four.
However, the implementation of teaching English at elementary schools is far from satisfaction. One of the factors that can be a problem in the teaching of English is the unavailability of textbooks and instructional media (Kasbolah 2002: 3).
This condition also happens in elementary schools in Ogan Ilir regency. The English teachers are difficult to find appropriate textbooks and instructional media used in teaching. As a result, most of the teachers only use the books available without considering the appropriateness of the textbooks with the students’ characteristics.
In reference to the description above, the researcher is interested to conduct a research with the title: Teachers’ problems in using textbooks and instructional media at some elementary schools in Kecamatan Indralaya Kabupaten Ogan Ilir”.
1.2 Identification and Formulation of the Problems
There are some problems faced by the English teachers at elementary schools, they are among others:
Teachers’ qualification
Teaching preparation
Classroom management
English textbooks
Instructional media
In this research, the study is limited only in investagating the teachers’ problems in using textbooks and instructional media. So, the problem can be formulated as follows:
What are the teachers’ problems in the use of English textbooks at Elementary schools at Kecamatan Indralaya Kabupaten Ogan Ilir?
What are the teachers’ problems in the use of instructional media at Elementary schools at Kecamatan Indralaya Kabupaten Ogan Ilir?
1.3 Objective of the Study
In line with the problems above, the study is aimed at describing:
The teachers’ problem
The teachers’ problem in the use of instructional media at Elementary schools at Kecamatan Ogan Ilir.
1.4 Significance of the Study
It is expected that the research finding can give some contribution to teachers who teach English at elementary schools. By knowing the problems, they will be motivated to solve the problems, so that the teaching and learning English can run successfully as teachers’ expectation.
II. Review of Related Literature
2.1 Teaching English at Elementary Schools
Teaching at elementary schools is unique. It means that the teaching of English at elemenatry schools is different from the teaching of English at secondary schools. Kasbolah (1995:58) suggests four requirements that have to be taken into consideration to the implementation of English teaching at elementary school, namely:
the qualification of
teachers, (2)materials, (3) media, and (4) syllabus.
The teachers have very important roles in teaching and learning English. They are the key success or failure in language learning. Furthermore, the teaching and learning will run smoothly if the teachers know exactly what roles that she should perform in the classroom.
2.2 The Instructional Materials/Textbooks
In the English teaching and learning process, a textbook has a very important role due to the functions of textbooks in facilitating the teaching and learning process. Halliwell (1992:113) states several main functions that can be performed by the textbooks. First, it provides a learning program that is sequenced and structured appropriately to give progressive revision.
Second, it gives wider range of materials than an individual teacher would be able to collect. The third, it performs a security for teaching materials. The fourth, it makes possible reduction of preparation time. The fifth, it is a source of practical teaching ideas. The sixth, its function is as an autonomous work for the learners. Seventh, it provides a basis for home work. The eighth, it performs a basis for discussion with other teachers. Ninth, it provides an opportunity for independent learning to the students. Finally, it has a sense of progression for pupils.
Since there are so many English textbooks which are sold freely in the market, teachers should select carefully which book is appropriate for their students. Teachers should also consider whether they know how to use and comprehend the textbooks or not. Romero in Widyanti (1997:13) mentions several requirements of a good English textbook. First, it should be attractive. Second, it shopuld be easy for students to learn. Third, there should be uses of pictures. Fourth, there should be no excessive use of diagrams, phonetic transcription, and vocabulary lists that tend to scare the students. Fifth, the book should provide short exercises containing 10-15 items. Sixth, the book should discuss interesting materials for the type of students to use it. Finally, in terms of drill or pattern practices, it is better if the book provides simple short dialogues for practice and memorization.
To select the materials for the teaching and learning, Harmer (1985:219) states some factors which should be considered, they are the needs, situation, and the learners. It is also supported by Kasbolah (2001:8), who suggests that the materials selection should be based on the instructional objectives, the need of the learners and the local situation.
2.3 Instructional Media
Since teaching young learners is different from teaching adult learners due to their unique characteristics, the use of the instructional media in the teaching and learning process is very important. The instructional media is really helpful in delivering information. It is also used to attract students’ attention due to that young learners get bored easily and their concentration span is shorter than adult as asserted by Harmer (1985:7). Besides, young learners are still developing their concept from concrete thought to the abstract one, so they need media to make easy to understand the meaniong being conveyed clearly.
Gustschow (in Altis,et al.,1981:275) mentions that from the view of the teacher, media can generally serve four general purposes: (1) media can help to simplify the teaching process, and they can help to perfect it, (2) machines allow teachers to practice the principle of object teaching and learning illustration, (3) with the help of media, the use of mother tongue of students can be avoided, (4) media are instrument of motivation if they are used in such a way as to stimulate learning.
Freuidenstein (in Alatis, et al., 1981:275) also states the same functions of media but from the view of the students thatv is when used by individual learners outside the school situation. He stated that (1) media can help to simplify the learning process,and can help to perfect it, (2) machines allow the students to better understand the content what is being taught, (3) media help to shape the learning process, (4) media can stimulate interest in the language program and thus provide for motivational impulse.
2.3.1 Instructional Media Selection
A teacher has to know how to select media which are appropriate for teaching their students, so that teaching and learning process becomes interesting and not monotonous. The consideration of selecting instructional media proposed by Wright (199 3-4) are (1) it is easy to prepare, (2) it is easy to organize, (3) it is interesting to the students and the teacher, (4) the language and the way the teacher wants the students to use it will be aythentic to the activity, and (5) the activity is going to rise to a sufficient amount of langauge in order to justify its conclusion in the langauge lesson.
There are many kinds of media which can help the teaching and learning process. Kasbollah (2001:27) recommends that the English teachers for elementary school apply some media such as pictures, realia, flash cards, and puppets in their teaching and learning activity.
In conclusion, to make the teaching and learning process successful, the teachers should use appropriate textbooks and instructional media.
III. Method Of Research
3.1. Research Design
The design of the study is descriptive quantitative. It is conducted to describe some problems faced by the teachers who taught English in Elementary schools, especially, in the use of textbooks and instructional media. The kind of research is survey. The researcher collected the data from the teachers who taught English in some elementary schools in Kecamatan Indralaya Kabupaten Ogan Ilir.
3.2 Population and Sample
The population of the research is the English teachers of Elementary schools in Kecamatan Indralaya Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. There are 25 elementary schools in Kecamatan Indralaya, but only five of the elementary schools include English as a local content. So, all the English teachers of the five elementary schools are taken as the sample of research. The elementary schools chosen as the samples of the study are (1) SDN Matang Hanau, (2)SDN Tanah Habang Kanan 1, (3) SDN Lampihong Kanan, (4) SDN Simpang tiga, and (5) SDN Lajar.
3.3 Research Instrument
The instrument used to collect the data is questionnaire. The questionnaire is given to the English teachers of elementary schools. The questionnaire is intended to know the textbooks and media used in teaching learning process, the problems faced in selecting and presenting the instructional materials and media, and the problems faced by the teachers in relation to the unavailibility of the textbooks and media.
3.4 Data Analysis
The datagained through the questionnaire are analyzed using percentage. The formula used is simple percentage. The formula is:
f/N x 100%=percentage
In which f is the frequency (number of respondents fulfilling the questionnaire), and N is the total number of respondents. The data analysis by using percentage above is a form of identifying teachers’ problems in using textbooks and instructional media. It is used to scale or criteria as follows:
NO Percentage Criteria
1 100% All of them
2 80-99% Most of them
3 60%-79% Many of them
4 40%-59% Some of them
5 21%-39% Few of them
6 1%-20% Very few of them
7 0% None of them
Table 3.4 Data Analysis adopted from Krohn’s Kriteria
Altis, et al. The Second Language Classroom: New York: Oxford University Press.
Haliwell, S. 1992. Teaching English in the Primary School. New York: Longman
Harmer, J. 1985. The Practice of English Language Teaching. New York Longman
Kasbolah, K. and Sulistyo, G. 1998. The Role of English in Era of Global Information: Ideas on improving Higher Education Instruction. Jurnal bahasa dan Seni 26 (1):13-23
Wright, A. 1993. Why Use Stories in the Primary Class?. Jet. PP. 8-9
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