Senin, 18 Juni 2012

Reseach In Proposal

Lecturer : Manallulaili M,Pd

Name : Ichi Sta ‘Inawati
NIM : 0825068
English Department Study


1.      The Title of Reseach

Teaching Descriptive Writing using Writing Strategy to the Nine Grade of SMP PG. Cinta Manis - Ketiau, Tanjung Raja.

2.      Background

Nowdays, English is very important to learnt because many people all over the first language to be taught as compulsory subject, it is taught to the students junior high school, senior high school, and university. English is considered a subject for local option instruction in elementary school.
There are four language skills that must be mastered in study in studying English which is listening, speaking. Reading and writing. Beside that, to develope the language skill, there are many aspects of English to assist the students to develope language skills should be taught in balance all are considered the same important.

3.      Problem (s) of the study
Problem (s) Identification
Is there any significant differences on students writing achievement who are taught using heuristic teaching strategy In the current teaching of writing, than those who are not taught by Heuristic to the Nine Grade Students at SMP PG. Cinta Manis.
4.      The Objective (s) of the Study
Based on the problem (s) of the study, First, the students in writing the following problems
1.      Grammar using, composition and other aspects of the word, such as: “I very much like the movie.” the sentence should be: I like the movie very much. “The room is enough big.” adverbs modify adjectives is enough big, big but must be placed after this sentence should be “The room is big enough”. "I singing a song now", now in progress should form be + v + ing form, students often lack the predicate be, the sentence should be "I am singing a song now".
so usually have teachers teaching in the classroom sense to guide them in English thinking to think.
2.      a subject more than one predicate. Most English sentence is 'a subject + a predicate', and other often non-finite verb verb form such as, I went home watched TV yesterday. Should be changed to the infinitive phrase to watch TV, This sentence should be: I went home to watch TV yesterday. Therefore, in the classroom teaching should guide students in writing how to use the infinitive, gerund, participle and other non-predicate form.
3.   a funny in the end. Sentence is a comma to connect high school students writing in English produced by the impact of a native way of sentences the student to write English composition when the total was not yet expressed a complete sentence, it is not consciously a funny in the end, would have resulted in ambiguous relations between sentences, primary and secondary unclear, unfocused, the impact effect of expression.
4.      the language properly. English vocabulary is very rich, first of all to express some sense to choose the right word, showing the expression must carefully weigh the English words, so that the word should convey his ideas, articles and beautiful.
5.      the text layout weak, the article subject is not prominent. Discourse in English means a rich linking, and some used in the sentence level, and some used in the discourse level, but fewer students in the written use of these means of expression, This article makes a great leap, the paper's lack of organic links between topics, there is no obvious take care of, etc., and verbiage, the theme is not prominent.
Other errors, such as punctuation, capitalization and other errors, in the high school students are also common in written expression, therefore, usually teachers in the classroom teaching and guidance in writing essays, there should be more conscious attention to these errors.
Second, the rapid increase of students in the teaching of writing strategies Teachers in the teaching of writing, the effectiveness of teaching strategies is directly related to the improvement of students' skills, the author many years of teaching practice in the use of heuristic teaching received good results.
1.      the advantages of heuristic teaching In the current teaching of writing, the majority of classroom teachers use assessment to make peace is appreciated by a single mode, there is no inspiration for students and teachers under the guidance of active thinking, construct knowledge, capacity, show personality, the enthusiasm of the students and the lack of writing initiative, teachers and the principal role reversal, this would result in the blindness of student writing, but the heuristic teaching of writing so that students must first have a reserve, which is necessary to collect data, organize information, build a frame, words and sentences, and then integrated into the chapter In this series of sessions, teachers should fully carry out heuristic teaching, students focus on all aspects of the start of positive thinking, and gradually lead them to make the process of writing problems, and teachers to give students the correct way of thinking, which enable students to eliminate anxiety, happily into writing activities, so that the students will improve writing skills.
2.      the heuristic teaching steps In teaching practice, writing activities can be divided into three steps: pre-writing preparation (pre-writing, the writing process (writing, article modification (revising. all aspects of a teacher on a 'start', a layer of 'fat', step by step To enter, interlocking, divergent thinking and convergent thinking in the form of combining, the enumeration method, question method, analogy, combination method, information exchange with the use of legal and other ways of thinking through the creation of 'anger,' 'can not speak' of the situation, the students cited 'into the' heart want to pass without a pass, mouth Yuyan not made the quest level, the students wake up from the dim consciousness, so that they take the initiative to explore the writing essentials, writing, looking for ways to produce 'I write,' the a strong desire. We would practice with a teaching case to illustrate the steps of heuristic teaching.

Heuristics as we describe them in this essay are part of critical thinking, so we will begin by defining critical thinking.  As Meyers (1986) pointed out, critical thinking is neither simply formal argument nor problem solving, nor is it merely the study of logic, though all of these elements certainly can be part of it.  Like the word "process" when applied to writing, the phrase “critical thinking” means something different to each person who uses it.  Some define it by Bloom's Taxonomy of Thinking Skills, as follows, each element of which includes all below it:
Recall  (Bloom, 1964).
Robert Ennis (1986) of the Illinois Critical Thinking Project added the following: "Critical thinking . . . includes most or all of the directly practical higher order thinking skills [as in Bloom's Taxonomy]"; however, "critical thinking is not equivalent to the higher order thinking skills."  Rather, it is (also) "reasonable reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do."  In fact, says Ennis, "critical thinking includes dispositions" (p. 10).
Several common parameters do exist.  Critical thinking is 
(1) broadly defined
(2) process-oriented
(3) both logical and expressive (it includes expressive, emotive, and intuitive forms, as well) 
(4) recursive
(5) transferable
(6) reflexive (it includes self awareness). 
A second term is "heuristic."  It means "to discover or find," and heuristics sometimes are referred to as educational tools--tools that help discovery.  Therefore, heuristics are tools for finding or discovering something.
Another term used in this essay is the phrase "exploratory discourse."  Exploratory discourse is, simply, discourse that explores a subject.  Kinneavy (1971) identified exploratory discourse as "dialectical--probable (Aristotle and Aquinas)," "valuative (Morris)," and questioning--interrogative (Russell)" (p. 65); as an "opinion (Plato)" and a "way of invention ( Cicero )"; and as involving "discovery (Bacon . . . , Descartes)," "proposing (Pierce)," and "inquiry (Dewey)" (p. 98).  Even "emotion is not entirely excluded . . . , e.g. Plato's dialogues" (p. 68).  Thus we can define heuristics in use as tools for exploratory discourse as follows: using discovery to probe for something more than what we have now.  I like to use a metaphor suggested to me by Joel Peterson (1992), director of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Critical Thinking Project, 1992-1998: using heuristics is like having a toolbox (Informal interview).

5.      Teaching Media Page


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Kinneavy, J. L. (1971). A theory of discourse. New York: Norton.
Mayfield, M. (1993) Thinking for yourself. Belmont: Wadsworth .
Meyers, C. (1986). Teaching students to think critically. San Francisco: Jossey.
Miller, H. (1994). Thinking and writing critically with metaphor.” Minnesota English Journal 25.1, 10-20.

Perkins, D. N. (1986). Knowledge as design: Teaching thinking through content. In  J. B. Baron & R. J. Sternberg (Eds.), Teaching thinking skills: Theory and practiceSalvia, J., & Ysseldyke, J. (2000). Assessment (8th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Sattler, J. M. (2001). Assessment of children: Behavioral and clinical applications (4 th ed.). San Diego, CA: Jerome Sattler.

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